epa06444515 Piglets stand in a shed of a pig farm in the federal state of Brandenburg, near Berlin, Germany, 15 January 2018. The African Swine Fever (ASP, Pestis Africana Suum) has its origin in Africa and spreads out over eastern Europe in the direction of Germany. The disease can transmit directly between pigs or through with the pathogen contaminated food. In the event of an outbreak there would be a drastic price collapse in the Germany pig farming industry. According to the German Farmer's Federation (Deutscher Bauernverband, DBV) there would be a drop of three billion euros per year in the event of an outbreak in the boar herd in Germany. EPA/MARKUS HEINE ATTENTION: due to the anonymisation of the owners identify numbers are blurred. VarkensNieuws

EU wil vaccin Afrikaans varkenspest ontwikkelen

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